October 22, 2020
L-1011 RB211-524b is available
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new L-1011 Pilot Edition V2 soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from the UK and Germany.
This is intended for customers that want to use the package with the Captainsim L-1011 model for FSX/P3D.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
New layered wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
And much more.
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator X / P3D specifications. (For FS2004 users, only the externals will not sound correct, as it will be a mix between intake and exhaust sounds)
PLEASE NOTE : Sound quality can be reduced in the promotion video ( Video converting )
October 14, 2020
The ERJ-145 Pilot Edition is available
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new ERJ-145 Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from Denmark and Germany.
This is intended for customers that want to use the package with the freeware Posky ERJ-145 model for FSX/P3D.
Link to the model is included in the documentation.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real ERJ-145.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
New layered wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
External APU sounds
And much more.
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator X / P3D specifications. (For FS2004 users, only the externals will not sound correct, as it will be a mix between intake and exhaust sounds)
October 12, 2020
CRJ-200 GE-CF-34 Pilot Edition is available!!
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new CRJ-200 Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from Denmark and Germany.
This is intended for customers that want to use the package with the freeware Posky CRJ-200 model for FSX/P3D.
Link to the model is included in the documentation.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real CRJ-200.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
New layered wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
External APU sounds
And much more.
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator X / P3D specifications. (For FS2004 users, only the externals will not sound correct, as it will be a mix between intake and exhaust sounds)
September 19, 2020
The Embraer 175 Pilot Edition v2 is avaliable
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new Embraer 175 GE-CF34-8E Pilot Edition v2 soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from United kingdom, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
This is intended for customers that want to use the package with the EMBRAER E-JETS E175 V3 model.
Link to the E-175 model used for this product, is included in the documentation.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real Embraer 175.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
New layered wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
And much more.
August 21, 2020
The ATR-72 Pilot Edition is available!!
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new ATR-72 PW-127 Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from United kingdom, Denmark and the Netherlands.
This is intended for customers that want to use the package with the Carenado ATR-72 model.
Link to the ATR-72 model used for this product, is included in the documentation.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real ATR-72.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
Wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
And much more.
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator X / P3D specifications. (For FS2004 users, only the externals will not sound correct, as it will be a mix between intake and exhaust sounds)
August 09, 2020
The Airbus 340 CFM56-5C4 is available!!!
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new A340 CFM56-5C4 Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from United kingdom, Denmark and the Netherlands.
This is intended for customers that want to use the package with the Thomas Ruth Airbus 340 model.
Link to the Airbus 340 model used for this product, is included in the documentation.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real A340.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
Wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
And much more.
August 02, 2020
Boeing 737-200 PW JT8D Pilot Edition is out!!!
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new Boeing 737 PW-JT8D Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from Canada and the Netherlands.
This is intended for customers that want to use the package with the Captainsim Boeing 737-200 model.
Link to the Boeing 737 model used for this product, is included in the documentation.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real Boeing 737.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
Wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
And much more.
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator X / P3D specifications.
July 18, 2020
Boeing 767 PW4060 Pilot Edition is ready!
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new Boeing 767 PW4060 Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and in the UK.
Attention: THIS PACKAGE IS INCLUDED IN THE Captainsim product. This is intended for customers that want to use the package with another Boeing 767 model.
Link to the Boeing 767 model used for this product, is included in the documentation.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real Boeing 767.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
Wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
And much more.
May 24, 2020
CRJ-7-9 and 1000 GE-CF34-8C5 package is available.
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new CRJ GE-CF34-8C5 Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and in the UK.
Attention: THIS PACKAGE IS INCLUDED IN THE AEROSOFT CRJ Professional product. This is intended for customers that want to use the package with another CRJ model.
This product has been developed for the Aerosoft CRJ Professional for FSX / P3D . It will work with other models also.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real CRJ.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
Wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
And much more.
May 17, 2020
Airbus 320-231 IAE-V2500-A1 is available!
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new Airbus 320 IAE-V2500-A1 Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from Denmark and in the UK.
This product has been developed for the Airbus A320 PRO for FSX / P3D . It can and may work with other models, but we cannot garantee the same result.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values of the real A320.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
Wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
And much more.
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator X / P3D specifications.
February 01, 2020
Our Pilatus PC-12 PT-6 package is availible!!!
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new Pilatus PC-12 PT-6 Pilot Edition soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings from Denmark and the UK.
This product has been developed for the Carenado PC-12 for FSX / P3D only. It may work with other models, but we cannot garantee the same result.
This package includes the following :
All new recordings.
All new editing methods.
External engine sounds.
Internal engine sounds.
Wind sounds.
Cockpit environment sounds.
Custom immersion sounds.
And much more.
All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator X / P3D specifications.
January 02, 2020
The mighty Boeing 747-8 GEnx-2B V2 package is here!!!
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new Boeing 747-8 GEnx-2B Pilot Edition v2 soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings recorded in Denmark, Netherlands and in the UK.
This product has been developed for the PMDG Boeing 747-8 for FSX / P3D only.
August 23, 2019
Our new Airbus A320 is realeased
Turbine Sound Studios proudly presents our brand new Airbus 320 IAE-V2527 Pilot Edition v2 soundpackage for FSX / P3D recorded in HD High definition.
This Pilot Edition is created as heard from the cockpit, and includes recordings recorded in Denmark, Netherlands and in the UK.
This product has been developed for the Aerosoft Airbus 320 professional for FSX / P3D ( Other models will also work with this soundpackage with some variation, but with no garantee )
Click the button below for more info.
December 22, 2018
Boeing 747-400 RB211-524 Pilot Edition - FSX and P3D is released
Our long awaited Boeing 747-400 RB211-524 Pilot Edition for FSX and P3D is released.
The product is developed for the PMDG Boeing 747 v3. ( Will also work with other Boeing 747 models )
Click the button below for more info.
March 20, 2018
MD-8X JT8D is avalible for FSX / P3D
Our brand new MD-8X JT8D Pilot Edition package is avalible for P3D and FSX.
This package is developed for the just released Leonardo MaddogX product. You dont want to miss out on this.
This product also come with a seperate / Alternative Sound.cfg, if you want the engines to be more dominant in the flightdeck.
Click the button below.
November 02, 2017
Boeing 787 GEnx-1B is released for FSX & P3D
We present to you our brand new Boeing 787 GEnx-1B package for FSX & P3D.
This package is intended for the Qualitywings Boeing 787 model. Alot of new features and sound details are included.
Avalible at most simshops. Click the button below.
May 30, 2017
Boeing 777 Pilot Edition preview are online!!
Sound previews on GE90-94B, Trent 895 and the mighty GE90-115B!! Pratt & Whitney versions are still to come, so stay tuned.
Join us on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Turbine-Sound-Studios/138123586208778
Join us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/turbine_sound_studios/
February 24, 2017
New Boeing 757 packages are avalible!
Our new Boeing 757 Pilot Edition packages are realeased.
Press the link below, for your version :
July 20, 2016
TSS updates their digital identity
As a part of trying to improve the TSS experience it has been found necessary to update our digital identity hence the effort to improve our website. At a later point TSS will also look into updating the visuals of our Social Media accounts and focus on giving you the best and most user-friendly experience!
Feel free to contact TSS if you should stumple upon anything that might confuse you.
Welcome to our new website!